Mark Youngman's Website


20 May 2024

Cost-benefit analysis in programming

26 February 2024

Code is the tool, not the goal

21 October 2023

Problems in a post "Hello world!" world

20 June 2023

To framework or not to framework? That's the question

21 May 2020

Who to trust when learning programming?

25 April 2020

Code readability and data flow

18 April 2020

Better pull requests with interactive rebasing

28 October 2018

Standard Format for Blog Posts - This Website Part Two

21 October 2018

Shuffling into Serial -- Behind the Libraries Part Five

21 October 2018

Inquiring into Interrupts -- Behind the Libraries Part Four

21 October 2018

Delving into Delay -- Behind the Libraries Part Three

21 October 2018

Plunge into PinMode -- Behind the Libraries Part Two

20 October 2018

Diving into DigitalWrite -- Behind the Libraries Part One

20 October 2018

Goals of this Website -- This Website Part One

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